The impact of COVID-19 on artists in Malta

The impact of COVID-19 on artists in Malta

The emergency situation caused by COVID-19 is once again highlighting the precarious employment conditions of various artists and their right to earn a living wage. It has been reported that at least 170,000 jobs were lost in the film industry in Hollywood and the UK...

Paying the artist

Paying the artist

A few weeks ago Arts Council Ireland launched a new policy to help improve the working and living conditions of artists and ensure that a career in the arts is viable. The culture of underpaying or not paying artists is not exclusive to Ireland and resonates with many...

Maltese dance platform on tour in Spain 

Maltese dance platform on tour in Spain 

Newly formed dance platform ODT (Other Dance Theatre) will present its first international tour in Spain with performances in Madrid, Leon and Asturias. The programme of original works in contemporary dance entitled ‘Stories in Whispers’ will highlight the...

Tangos for devils and angels

Tangos for devils and angels

Tango Nuevo Quintet is performing Astor Piazzolla’s tango nuevo in a concert that gives homage to the popular musical masterpieces of the Argentinian composer. The concert Diablo y Angel, entitled after one of Piazzolla’s works will be held at Robert...


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