Research  on live music in VR

Research on live music in VR

Over the past few months the band Spooky Monkey, in collaboration with Culture Venture and MAD about Video, have been working on a research project funded by Arts Council Malta to investigate the idea of playing a live music performance in Virtual Reality. A survey...

New theatre production inspired by artists’ own dreams. 

New theatre production inspired by artists’ own dreams. 

To desire is human. We all have wants, needs, wishes. Yet, the path to what we yearn for is not the same for everyone. Sometimes that path is obstructed, sometimes we might feel like there is no bridge to the other side, sometimes we might feel completely alone in...

YouRun wins Creative Business Cup Malta 2021

YouRun wins Creative Business Cup Malta 2021

The competition for startups in the cultural and creative sectors is organised by Culture Venture together with Malta Enterprise as the lead partner. YouRun, a creative startup mixing the warmth of casual games with the excitement of competitive ones, won the first...


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